The XXX Files

“Disgruntled porn star Amanda36c”? Some self-proclaimed ‘domainer’ slanders me in a response to a post made in TheDomains’ blog . Is this the same great defender of ICM Registry (folks who operate the .XXX gTLD) as seen in my own blog, defending them last year? Interestingly enough, this Dman guy happened to be ICM Registry themselves, as I didn’t hesitate to point out in a later blog,  It must be nice to have such a helpful, random savior (er, ‘domainer’) come to your defense, like an attorney in a courtroom! I suppose I should not jump to conclusions though.  

For the record, I never supported dot XXX. Initially, I only wanted to have my own, for defensive purposes (like everyone else) unsure of the whole premise behind this borderline-legal scam in the first place, except the money-grab it appears to be. Noone in the aduly industry, with the exception of those paid to promote or given theirs for free, were in support of this XXX, period. The entire industry is against it. Why anyone outside of the industry doesn’t challenge these guys in court, as they lose their rights to a domain reserved for them, for ‘defensive’ purposes, is quite the mystery. Are people just that willing to throw their money away or just too lazy and weak to take these pigs to task? I guess we (as a society) have set the precedent. Let’s not cry when they walk all over us then. OK?

Back to that post (screenshotted below). Why does ‘Paul’ feel the need to slander me, on someone’s blog, just because he happens to think I am connected to someone else who went at him a few posts up? I fail to see where he saw a connection between me and Michelle. Paranoia perhaps. Such an ugly little disability.

For the record: I never (not once)  spammed someone’s chatroom. I know the rules and have always adided by them, on every site I worked. I can count on one hand how many times, since I’ve been on the internet (1997), I have even posted to someone else’s blog. What ‘Paul’ is suggesting is an outright lie. Why would someone feel the need to lie like this? I responded to his post on that blog (yes, one of the handful of times I ever do).

The more I look around at the people controlling this industry and how they conduct themselves, the more disgusted I feel about even being a part of it. The games they play are outrageous. Not because they merely have the time to do it. Again, this only proves they are losing control, and have resorted to low levels of scumbagism (<– patent pending on that word) to maintain their ability to keep their investments (legal and otherwise) safe so that they can continue stealing our content and living large.
