Lessons In Porn

Hmmm, Stormy Daniels is suing Trump, claiming nondisclosure agreement invalid. This means she can sing about the (alleged) affair all she wants and in as many places as she wants, and for as much money as opportunists are willing to dish out.

So they were having an affair, right around the time his wife was pregnant and there apparently was no payment made to her at that time. When the story later surfaced, the lawyer is the one who decided, on his own, to offer her a settlement, in which Trump himself was oblivious to. Oh, so that’s how it went, is it? She agreed and took the money. Or did she? And now that it somehow got leaked that Trump never signed the nondisclosure agreement, Stormy and lawyers found a loophole to void that contract.

And now the question is, which comes first; The book or the movie?

My take on this is mixed. I try not to be judgemental because of my own position as a camgirl. This is not to be confused with porn star though and I certainly never had sex with anyone other than my spouse, not even for money. Still, I can’t judge people for their decisions in life. We all live and learn. One can only hope that their lessons don’t wind them up in places they’ll regret.

Thinking about it, I had many opportunities to advance my career but that side of the industry never appealed to me. The fakeness of it all and the scammers frankly made my skin crawl. The big money, fancy parties, powerful people, glitz, glamour is just a lure. The real money floats to the top and there is no low they won’t sink to in order to ensure it stays that way. Porn is a very dark world and there is a hellish, ugly, scary side to that area of the sex industry. I’m glad I chose to never be a part of it. I may have made some doozies in my life but in this case, it’s what I didn’t do that I will be thankful for having the sense to steer clear of. I didn’t need to sell my soul for fortune or fame. I was comfortable with my little camming gig, far away from those dangers, both mentally and physically. I did work my ass off over 20 years in the camming industry, only to be left with sfa. Absolutely nothing. Nada. Zilcho. Zip. Actually, it did spawn a desire for me to learn how to build websites. So all is not lost.

I do hope that Stormy is able to learn from all this and get the hell out of that shithole industry. It’s never too late to create a better life for yourself.